How Often Does My AC Unit Need to Be Serviced in Dubai
How Often Does My AC Unit Need to Be Serviced?
Are you someone who likes to maintain all of your possessions in tiptop shape? Here is the information on how often your AC Unit needs to be serviced.
Are you in the dark about when to service your AC unit? Are you unsure if it’s time to call a quality air conditioning maintenance company?
Don’t worry– we’ve got your back. We put together a guide to how often and when you should get your air conditioning unit serviced in Dubai.
Check out our guide below!
When To Service Your AC Unit in Dubai
First things first– you’ll need to get a quote from a reputable air conditioning repair company. Not all AC unit repair services are equal, so you’ll want to opt for a company that employs technicians with experience.
Many AC unit owners don’t realize that just because their unit isn’t very old or isn’t showing signs of malfunction, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t regularly maintain it.
Most HVAC experts suggest cleaning and servicing your unit once a year. Preferably, this should happen after winter is over in Dubai and most other climates. Your heating system specifically should be inspected when the weather begins to cool off after summer.
Whether or not your unit is damaged (or appears to be damaged), getting it serviced ensures that it will continue to operate well throughout the rest of the year. A regular servicing and inspection can also prevent problems from popping up down the line as well.
When your air conditioning unit is operating, it easily sucks up dust and debris that can negatively affect how it works. When coils and filters within the unit begin to get clogged with debris, it will start to work poorly or stop working altogether.
Nobody wants to lose their air conditioning unit’s efficiency. A regular cleaning is a great way to keep your unit operating well beyond its projected lifespan.
What happens during an inspection?
Usually, an air conditioning supplier will offer preventative maintenance packages. These packages will include several things, including:
- Regular servicing
- Regular cleanings
- Air filter changes
- Minor repairs and maintenance
If you have not purchased this kind of package with your unit, that’s okay. But you will need to seek a quote from a qualified air conditioning maintenance and repair company.
Once the technicians arrive, they will inspect your unit, change the filter, clear the inside of the system of debris, and perform any other necessary procedures to repair damage to the system.
It is very important to note that you should not try to clean or service your air conditioning unit on your own. An experienced trained technician can provide this service properly without risk to your HVAC system.
Coil cleaning should especially be left to the professionals, as damage to these coils could seriously damage your HVAC unit. In most cases, attempting to gut your unit and repair it yourself can void its warranty as well.
However, there are some maintenance procedures you can do yourself. Regularly changing your air filter is usually a simple task for most HVAC systems.
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